A wandering folk, who travel and live in wagons and follow a totally pacifistic
lifestyle known as the Way of the Leaf. Tinkers are easily recognized by their
garishly bright and clashing clothes and equally garish and clashing wagons.
They are great lovers of music, song and dancing, though their dances scandalize
most women, and many men. Things mended by Tinkers are often better than new.
Still, they are shunned by most village folk for their strange lifestyle and
because of stories that they steal things (including children) and corrupt
Background Feats:
Craftsman [see below], Polyglot [see below], Seductive,
Smooth Talk, Strong Soul
Background Skills: Craft (Tinker), Heal, Intuit Direction, Knowledge
(Geography), Perform (singing, dancing, flute, fiddle, or drum only), Spot
Home Language: Common (Tuatha’an)
Bonus Languages Choices: Common (Borderlander), Common (Cairhienin),
Common (Domani), Common (Ebou Dari), Common (Illianer), Common (Midlander),
Common (Tairen), Common (Tar Valoner), Common (Taraboner) |
Equipment: 2 healer’s kits (or) Musical instrument (choose one from:
fiddle, flute, drum); tinker’s kit (provides +2 on Craft (Tinker) checks); ink
(1 oz. vial); ink pen; parchment (5 sheets) (or) 4 healer’s balms; rope, hemp
(50 ft.); pouch, belt; sewing needle; mirror, small steel; flint and steel
All Tuatha’an subscribe to the Way of the Leaf, which
prohibits them from doing violence to anyone (including animals). At 1st level,
a Tuatha’an may not be proficient in any weapons, armor, or shields,
regardless of what class is chosen. At 1st level, a Tuatha’an may not take any
feats related to combat (i.e., any feats which would be considered bonus feats
for armsmen). At 1st level, a Tuatha’an may not choose the algai’d’siswai,
armsman, or noble classes. The Tuatha’an may choose woodsman (remembering that
all Tinkers are vegetarians), but if so, the 1st level class benefit of
Nature’s Warrior is lost. As long as the Tinker chooses to remain faithful to
the Way of the Leaf, all these restrictions continue to apply; however, at any
time after 1st level, the Tuatha’an may choose to abandon the Way of the Leaf,
nullifying all restrictions, at the cost of being considered “lost” to all
other Tinkers (they will no longer speak to, or even acknowledge the presence
of, the Lost). Any Tuatha’an that does violence to another, or begins to carry
a weapon, is automatically considered lost. A Tuatha’an woodsman may advance
through 3rd level without having to become one of the Lost; any Tuatha’an
woodsman who becomes lost automatically regains the Nature’s Warrior class
benefit the next time a level of woodsman is gained.