good to be rich. It’s even better to be born rich.
Valoner, Taraboner, Tairen.
You begin the game with an extra 250 silver marks
(mk). Furthermore, every time you go up in level, you
can draw upon your family’s investments, gaining 250 mk
for each point of Reputation you have when your level increase
occurs. This wealth does not magically appear in your
pockets; you must collect it from a family business, a relation,
or some other source of your family’s wealth. If you
cannot collect the money before you go up a level again,
you lose the benefit for that level (but you can, of course,
collect the money gained for your new level).
example, you have a Reputation of 4 when you attain 7th
level. You are entitled to immediately collect 1,000
mk—but you are traveling and can’t collect it right away.
After a few weeks, you reach a place where you can collect
it. In the meantime, you’ve gained another point of
Reputation, but you still are entitled only to 1,000 mk, because
you had only 4 points of Reputation when you reached
7th level. If your travels kept you away from your money
until after you reached 8th level, you could not collect
your 7th-level wealth. You could, however, collect your
wealth for attaining 8th level—in this case, 1,250 mk: 250
mk multiplied by a Reputation score of 5. |