You come
from a culture which commonly interacts with many other cultures, and
learns their dialects.
Backgrounds: Tuatha’an.
Benefit: You gain five dialects (in addition to your own) without
having to expend any slots on languages. These dialects must come from
your bonus languages.
. . . Well, you know our names. Courtesy would suggest you give us
longingly at the wall, Rand gave his right name before he thought what
he was doing, and even added, "From Emond's Field, in the Two
the west," Gawyn murmured. "Very far to the west."
looked around at him sharply. There had been a note of surprise in the
young man's voice, and Rand caught some of it still on his face when he
turned. Gawyn replaced it with a pleasant smile so quickly, though, that
he almost doubted what he had seen.
and wool," Gawyn said. "I have to know the principal products
of every part of the Realm. Of every land, for that matter. Part of my
training. Principal products and crafts, and what the people are like.
Their customs, their strengths and weaknesses. It's said Two
Rivers people are stubborn. They can be led, if they think you are
worthy, but the harder you try to push them, the harder they dig in.
Elayne ought to choose her husband from there. It'll take a man with a
will like stone to keep from being trampled by her."
The Eye of
the World, Ch. 40 - The Web Tightens |